Monday, January 11, 2010

Salmon and Challenges

Hello, all you gorgeous people! I hope you all had wonderful mondays! Mine was surprisingly good, I learned alot today (what is happening to I starting to enjoy school and learning FINALLY?!), however I did not COOK alot! I still managed to eat some tasty things though!

I unfortunately forgot to bring my camera with me out and about today, so I could not document everything that went into my mouth, but here are the highlights: mini honey oranges, a whole wheat bagel with dolce de leche, a chocolate almond flavoured coffee from Cookies by George (pronounced hor-hay), and a oat and chocolate cookie from Superstore's blue menu!

My design teacher has quickly become my favorite woman in the world...she brings SNACKS every class for us to munch on as we work away! Today she brought the mini honey oranges, the oat cookies, pop and juice boxes! How incredible is that?! Am I really in university? Or kindergarten?? I am not sure...but wherever I am, I love it!

When I finally got home from my day at school, I was welcomed by a delicious Dad made meal!

For dinner he made grilled salmon (coated with brown sugar, soy sauce, garlic and ginger) and tasty grilled asparagus (done up in the oven with olive oil, salt and pep). There was also rice but I was not in the mood for it tonight!

Yummy! Nice job popsers.

After dinner as I was chatting away with a few people on facebook...and I came across a suggestion (or challenge, you could say) for the blog from Mr. Isaac MacDonald! As he was perusing my blog he saw my rave reviews of almond milk, and suggested that I make almond milk myself! Challenge accepted!

Although the task did feel intimidating at first, after I promptly googled how to make almond milk...I became excited rather than scared! It is so easy, who would've known?!

Take about a cup or a cup and a half of whole natural unsalted almonds, and soak them in enough water to substantially submerse them overnight!

I am just in the soaking stage...I will have to finish up the rest of the process in the morning, I hope it works out! A nice glass of fresh, home made almond milk with breakfast would be delightful.

Wish me luck, I'd hate to fail a challenge from this guy! Especially since I will be battling head to head with him very soon in a special edition Iron Chef tournament. Keep posted to witness me destroy him in the tourny!

I will post the remaining steps of making homemade almond milk tomorrow when I finish this puppy up! And yes, the signage was necessary, my father has a habit of "chucking" anything and everything that looks questionable to him in the kitchen!




Anonymous said...

Well if Colsers is notoroious for "chucking," then Pete is notorious for "consolidatin"

"No, Peter...just because they are both made from tomatoes, salsa and ketchup AREN'T the same thing...therefore you can not put them together!!!"

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